Mailing Home Estimate QR Code Mailers in Non-Disclosure States

Using the Home Estimate QR Code from Corefact on your direct mail pieces can generate phenomenal lead-generation opportunities. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about using the Home Estimate QR Code on marketing materials in non-disclosure states.
Some states share the sale price of a property when it's sold, while other states don't. The places where property sale prices are made public are called "disclosure states." Real estate professionals use this information to discern the value of their listing from other similar properties. Therefore, we recommend using the Home Estimate QR Code on your marketing mailers in these states.
In "non-disclosure states," the sale price is not made public. Therefore, we only recommend using the Home Estimate QR Code on your marketing mailers in these states if you provide your own comps pulled from your MLS.
Is my state a non-disclosure state?
Non-disclosure states currently include Alaska, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri (some counties), Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming.
What postcards can I use for marketing?
You can use any card except market update cards, as home sale prices are not reported. Any map card with a home's value is very effective—you just need to send us your comps (a very simple process, and we can load them for you upon request).
Do the farm lists have to be contiguous?
Yes. Farm lists in non-disclosure states must be contiguous so the comps you've provided us make sense and are as accurate as possible.
Can I market to my sphere of influence?
Yes, but we cannot use market update cards or send our home estimate 'map' cards as the sphere is not in a contiguous area (therefore, comps are unavailable).
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